General area
Using the configuration panel you can manage the basic parameters:
- date range, orders’ status
- VAT code for orders, VAT code for shipping costs
Depending on the value set for Export VAT from option, the tax rates will be exported in two different ways. Have a look at the next part of the manual for a detailed explanation on how this option works: VAT export options
Please refer to Danea settings to see which tax code to add.
Export Prestashop orders
To carry out the orders’ export simply select and click the “export selected orders” button.
NOTE Orders that include products with variations can be imported into Danea. The product code generated is also added code variant. (ES: PR00_123_889).
import orders within danea
To import orders Danea there are two possibilities:
- open Documenti > Ordini > Utilità and perform an import choosing the .xml file just generated and downloaded from Prestashop;
- open Strumenti > Opzioni > Moduli and enable E-commerce functionality. Click on Strumenti > E-commerce > Scarica ordini e and add to the Impostazioni > Indirizzo web da cui scaricare gli ordini field the link that you find at the top of the module.
After filling in the data, click on Scarica and choose which orders to import.