Certainly! Here’s the translation of the HTML text into English:
If, during a quick synchronization procedure, the progress bar gets stuck while counting the products, the cause is due to an unexpected interruption of the current processing cycle (each cycle processes the data of 50 products).
It is advisable to retry the same synchronization by refreshing the page and trying again in order to rule out a problem caused by a temporary interruption of local connectivity or server-side issues. If the problem persists and the counting always stops at the same point, the issue is related to a problem with the initialization of a specific product on the website, which can lead to a PHP error.
Therefore, we invite you to find the error in your server’s error_log and report it in case of technical assistance.
Alternatively, you can enable the debug mode of Prestashop (from the Advanced Parameters > Performance menu).
This will allow you to find the error during the processing of products in your browser’s console (accessible with F12).