Since the field name is not provided in eBay’s “quick” response, we provide a list of the most common cases for which you receive this error:
– The product sent does not have an associated cover image (eBay necessarily requires it in order to publish a product)
– The product does not have associated shipping times (this happens, for example, when shipping times are configured by supplier and the product does not have an associated supplier)
– The product does not have a valid shipping service (this happens, for example, when configuring shipping services that do not involve the product you are trying to send, i.e. the Prestashop area and courier do not have a value configured for weight / price of the product and the relative courier is set to deactivate the courier on that range).
If you are unable to understand the reason for the eBay error, do the following:
Activate the DEBUG mode (present in the SYNC tab of the module) and save the product from Prestashop (making sure that the “Disable sync on saving” function is disabled in the SYNC tab). Returning to the sync tab, you will be able to consult the request / response sent and received by eBay. These are two files in XML format. By opening the answer file, the error will be available in full which will help you understand the error or which you can turn to support in case of need.