Starting from module’s version 2.5.0 it is possible to associate an e-mail address or a link to products, manufacturers and suppliers, so to use it for the responsible party address field on Amazon.
Within the GPSR tab it is possible to set which field to prioritize, in case multiple data are found. Should there be an e-mail or a link associated to the product, that will always have priority over the rest.
Within the Products, Manufacturers and Suppliers tab you will find a new panel on the right. Using the dedicated buttons you will be able to massively upload contacts.
All’interno delle tab Prodotti, Produttori e Fornitori troverete un nuovo pannello sulla destra. Tramite gli appositi tasti potrete gestire il caricamento dei contatti in maniera massiva.
As a first step, clic on the Export button: this operation will generate a summary file containing the complete list of products/manufacturers/suppliers available on your website with their ID and name. Click on Download file to download the file on your computer.
Once the CSV file is open, make sure to not modify anything at all; just add your information to the last column and save. Select now the updated file after clicking on Upload file, the click on the Import button to update the data available within the module.
The file contains the previously added values as well: do not delete them. If you do, the previously added contacts will be deleted.
Should you need to fill in only a limited set of data, use then the text field available in the Email or link column and click on Save, at the top of the page: in this way you will be able to register the information without having to use a file.
Finally, it is also possible to force an e-mail ora link for a single product within the Modules – AmazonSync section inside of the Prestashop’s product sheet.