This section will allow you to import eBay orders for synchronized products and check for incomplete orders and relevant errors.
You can choose to download orders manually (via a lookup procedure and a subsequent selective retrieval) or automatically (by setting a cronjob on your server).
In the latter case, all compliant and completed orders will be automatically retrieved and created in your Prestashop.
Manual download:
The operation is very simple. Just click on
You will request eBay to provide all pending / unimported orders in the configured time range :
You can retrieve all orders that eBay mark as “Completed” (where checkpoint had been made by both buyer and seller).
You can actually import orders in your Prestashop website by selection one or more of them and clicking IMPORT SELECTED ORDERS.
If the operation will succeed, you will get a green line showing the Prestashop #id of the imported order.
If the operation fails, you will get a red line, put your mouse cursor on the line and you will get more information on why the order couldn’t be imported.
Below is a list of the most common errors in order retrieval (if you run through cronjob, only the error code will be returned – ie. -4) :
-1 Order already imported (Order has already been imported into Prestashop)
-2 Order status is not “Completed” (The order status is not complete, ie the buyer has not completed the Ebay payment checkpoint)
-3 Invalid Customer / Invalid Customer Email (Fastbay can not validate the buyer’s e-mail address. If you have set a high value in “days to download orders from”, this error might appear as eBay does hide the customer’s e-mail address after 15 days from the very original order date. In this case, we recommend that you retrieve orders more frequently, by setting a reduced value in “number of days” textbox
-4 Invalid carrier (module is unable to link the incoming eBay carrier to a Prestashop error). This is not an error, but an incorrect configuration in the module, it is imperative to configure carriers from eBay if you need to download their orders – The list of crriers with respective eBay code-value for all countries is available at the following link: https: //
-5 Invalid country (The buyer’s country is not active / configured in Prestashop. This is not an error , if you want to retrieve orders from foreign countries, make sure you have properly activated those countries in your website)
-6 Product not found or not active (module is unable to find one or more order products from the eBay orders in your site.)
-7 Variation not found (module is unable to find one or more variatons of the products from the oeBay order in your site)
-8 No product matches filter (Can not find a product compatible with the order filter set in the site)
-9 Not enough quantity (The stock of one product from the order in your website product is less than the stock sold on Ebay – It is possible to force the download of orders under these circumstances by properly configuring a module setting – see below).).
-10 SKU matching more than one product (eBay custom label coming from eBay is matched to more than one product of the website. This error will appear only if module is used in “User custom label as product reference” mode).
-11 No SKU matching Module is unable to find at least one product which reference matches the custom label coming from eBay. This error will appear only if module is used in “User custom label as product reference” mode).
-12 Empty product SKU The eBay custom label coming from the product of the order appears to be empty. This error will appear only if module is used in “User custom label as product reference” mode).
-13 Incomplete order without invoice Order coming from eBay is incomplete and customer had not completed the shupping address. This error will appear only if module is used in “Force incomplete order download” only and it will only appear by cron. Incomplete orders can be only downloaded from manual lookup procedure.
-14 Invalid marketplace (v6.3.0+) Order that is coming from eBay comes from a different marketplace compared to the one you are using the cron. This is not an error – If you need to download orders from different marketplaces, you should setup a cron for each marketplace, so you can properly configure Prestashop carriers etc.
If the module returns an “Incomplete Order” error, check the order on eBay and make sure that the checkpoint (payment form) has been performed both by the seller and buyer.
Otherwise you will not be able to download the order in Prestashop because of incomplete informations sent by eBay.
Automatic order download
If you want, you can set up a cronjob on your server to automate this process. For more information on setting up a cronjob, see your hosting / webmaster.
Link to the cron link :
Export orders / update status:
Fastbay will automatically set the “shipped” and “paid” status and send tracking numbers on eBay after the Prestashop order status change of a retrieved order, this will happen by using the Prestashop native “Hook” system.
If you prefer (or rely on external tools that change order status without using hooks) you can do this operation by cron using the links listed in this section,
which mustl be set up on your server with a 24h delay between a launch and the next.
Order configuration
Order filter :
When retrieving an order, Fastbay will perform some checks against the value of the eBay custom label, consisting of two parts:
order_filter – id_product_prestashop (eg prestashop-34).
In case of a combination product, the order filter will also show the id of the combination (eg prestashop-34-1)
eBay products custom label will be automatically compiled with this details by the module during synchronization.
Note that if the order download process detects a different “order filter” value or a non-existent product id, the order can not be downloaded.
The order filter is freely editable – The module assumes that the default order filter is “prestashop” for backward compatibility with our previous “eBay Revolution” module.
If you decide to change this value, be sure to resynchronize the products immediately, otherwise
any eBay orders made with an “old” order filter will release the -8 “No product match filter” error, as explained in this chapter.
The main purpose of order filter is to allow multiple Fastbay marketplaces to act independently on order retrieval.
For example, if you have a “Fastbay IT” and a “Fastbay US” marketplace you will need to set up a different order filter (eg prestit, prestaus, etc …)
to have each module download its own orders.
After re-synchronizing the products, make sure that the Ebay custom labels are the correct order filter prefix.
Upon completion of this operation, each module will download orders on the site with the appropriate filter, currency and amount.
If you were using “eBay Revolution” – since it did not handle this feature, in case of upgrade you will need to resynchronize all the products so that the custom eBay label turn in the prefix set in the order filter.
Other settings :
Download orders from the last N days
Determine the number of days in the past which the module should lookup for orders.
Download orders with product quantity not available
It allows the module to forcefully import orders where eBay sold product have not enough stock in the website.
Use fake e-mail for customers
It allows the module to use a random generated email when importing order on your website.
Use fake DNI when empty
It allows the module to use a sample value for DNI (00000) when DNI is missing in eBay order.
Download customer message
Activating this option will attach a Prestashop customer message on the order with the note left by the eBay buyer at the time of purchase.
Enable incomplete order import
Activating this option will unlock module capability to import unpaid / incomplete eBay orders (available with manual lookup only). Be careful with this option
as it can lead to missing data in your Prestashop order or duplicate order import if, for instance, your eBay order is being processed / merged on eBay by sending
a dedicated customer invoice..
Import eBay order ID in Prestashop order payment name
This option allows to determine wheter to import eBay order reference # in Prestashop order payment method or not.
Use product reference as custom eBay label
This option will override “order filter” logic (see explanation in this page) and will use your Prestashop product / variation reference as eBay custom label during synchronization / order retrieval. Since reference is not mandatory / unique field in Prestashop, this option has to be enabled only if you really know what you are doing as it can lead to several issues.
Having unique / compiled reference on your website is mandatory – Fastbay offers an utility named “Invalid reference check” (see Utilities part of the module) to perform a catalog check.